If you'd like to be a contributor, register your interest here.
If you're ready to take a leap into your next level of success and abundance, then you're in the right place.
I know what it's like to feel completely unfulfilled, to feel like you're meant for something different... guided towards a new path. That was me.
I've helped hundreds of women to step into their most powerful and abundant selves and I'd love to help you too.
Stuff goes here
This will include a welcome section (maybe even with a video showing people how to search and redeem their offers). The database containing the offers will be searchable and filterable (Notion), and it will have a reminder of the last day to redeem (maybe a Notion countdown widget).
This page will also have a link or form for people to submit a help ticket if they need help. Set this Notion page to automatically become private or redirect after the redemption period ends.